Introducing Framework Crits

Introducing Framework Crits

Jan is researching a new book on human and organisational sensemaking, from the origins of speech to how decisions are reached, adopted and carried through. This post shares his thoughts from that process.

I have a love/hate relationship with writing. At times it takes a painful week to simmer ideas into a barely edible single paragraph, and other times three-thousand words emerge from an hour from the mental oven, crispy and ready to consume. Well formed paragraphs are often accompanied by one or more frameworks, that represent some form of higher level reasoning with a nod to how they might be communicated.

Today I’m inviting you to join an online experiment called Framework Crits, a session where two or three frameworks will be introduced, critiqued, and alternatives explored.

The Framework Crits process originated from our client fieldwork, where client stakeholders are given early access to selected frameworks, can invite internal experts to contribute. The socialisation and critiquing process helps mature frameworks, prioritise their value within a framework portfolio, and generates buy-in for final deliverables. A single session is run with a video call and Miro, and runs for one hour.

For this first session I’ll supply one frameworks-in-progress from my sensemaking book, and invite you to upload your own that our small group will work on. I’ll pick a couple of frameworks from our community members for each session. The first session will run on December 1st, 12:30 PST/15:30 EST. Future sessions will support other timezones, and I’ll plan to run one session per month for at least a few months.

How well formed do your framework submissions need to be? The baseline is that a framework requires a title and three prioritised things to communicate. It doesn’t need to be visualised at this point, but in many cases you’l have some idea of how it will be laid out, and well baked submissions are appreciated. We welcome both conceptual or data driven frameworks.

[entry form is now closed]


These crits compliment the Framework Darwinism Masterclasses—the next sessions will announced via the Radar mailing list.

Photo? Qinghai monastery. 

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