Frontline Ethics Masterclass

Field work practitioners are on the frontlines of ethical challenges. On the one hand we are tasked with understanding the full spectrum of life experiences, and on the other, are expected to operate within organisational, legal and moral norms. These challenges are compounded for practitioners operating globally, well beyond their, and their organisation’s belief systems and comfort zones.
Studio D considers our ethical stance as core to our service offering—providing clients with the confidence that we can take on challenging projects, deliver value, whilst doing the “right thing” by our participants and the societies in which they live. We often present data and insights that are considered too ethically challenging to appropriately collect.
We’ve synthesised this learning into a half-day masterclass, where attendees are encouraged to surface and collectively address the ethical issues they face.
We don't currently have a Frontline Ethics Masterclass scheduled.
For in-person or online organisational bookings, contact us.
To be notified when we run a future online session, drop your email here.
We will systematically unpack:
- mental models for thinking about workplace and fieldwork ethics,
- understanding how ethical norms are set and play out in organisations and teams,
- how an organisation's ethical stance can drive the adoption of research results,
- how to set a teams’s ethical stance and accelerate the adoption of ethical norms,
- ethical blindspots and how to identify them, and,
- the art and science of recovery when things (inevitably) go wrong.
The masterclass includes numerous real-world case studies.
Practical outcomes include how to:
- better surface ethical issues in organisational and team environments,
- address ethical tensions between research, fieldwork location, and organisational norms,
- define and apply a strong ethical stance to drive research adoption, and,
- build the skills and confidence to take on morally complex projects.
A digital certificate of course completion is available on request.